After careful consideration and a thorough evaluation of all the options (a short chat one night) we have reached a momentous decision. Even though we don't know whether the baby will be a boy or a girl, we have decided that it will definitely........ have a name.
Our only discussion of names succeeded in ruling out many options, but that didn't help either. I had hoped that by the time we had eliminated the names of every footballer (rugby players would have been fine), pop star and breakfast TV presenter there wouldn't be many names left. But I was wrong. Looking at the names with the highest and lowest average
GCSE results didn't help much either. We had already ruled out Kylie, Charlene, Wayne, Dwayne and Duane (yes both spellings are in the bottom ten) and Emily and Charlotte (amongst the top scoring names at
GCSE) are out of the question as the baby's future aunts have already bagged them.
Whilst I'm on the educational theme, it is worth noting that summer born children tend to do less well academically. Or more specifically summer born boys do less well. Since we don't want to find out the sex of our child in advance, I would welcome suggestions for other ways around this problem. For instance, if the birth happened in Australia (where it is winter in July) would that solve the problem? Would it help if it was a particularly cold summer? (Probably not - they usually are and yet the effect still exists.) What are the chances of
Kirsty crossing her legs until 1 September?
In the meantime, the unborn baby will continue to be known mostly as the bean, sometimes as the bump and if it's future paternal grandmother gets her way, as the
This is future-
smid-dad, signing off.
PS - Since writing this post on a number of people have emailed us or written comments to say that the reason summer born children tend to be a little behind at school is because they are younger than their classmates and have less schooling in total, as they usually do not start school in the autumn term and may only have one or two terms in reception class. We understood this already, and the pretence that we didn't was a joke. Fortunately there is pretty good research by Charles Desforges and others which shows that the strongest influence on children's educational attainment is the value that their parents place on education - and we both place a lot of value on it. This has a significantly stronger effect than age, gender, ethnicity, affluence or quality of teachers on how well children do at school. For more information see