Wednesday, 1 April 2009

A few More FAQs

A few more regular questions have been coming up recently so I thought I'd do a FAQs again in case other people were wondering the same things.

-Do you know what it is?
Yes, it's a baby (Sorry, ahem). No, we haven't found out, the sonographer at the last scan asked if we'd like to see the "between the legs" area, but we said no so he skirted around it the vital region.

-Have you had any weird Cravings?
Not yet, tho I still can't stand the smell of coffee or Red wine. Which is probably no bad thing really.

-Have you thought of Names yet?
The subject has come up a few times, but usually over dinner with friends who've had a little more to drink than me and I'm not sure that "Gandalf" is quite what we're looking for . So the answer to that one is a no at the moment!

-Have you bought much stuff yet?
Actually we've been quite good! So far we have ordered a buggy/car seat and bought 2 Merino baby sleeping bags and a towel. All from the baby show. Owing to the space limitations in the flat we're trying not to get too much stuff until we know what is really going to be useful. Our Mums have been doing sterling work collecting second hand stuff tho, so I think they may be better equipped than us at the moment!

-Are you enjoying being pregnant?
Well, at the moment yes! I'm well over the early nausea and the extreme tiredness of the first trimester, tho I am finding I have a few additional limitations! I also had to pay a visit to the GP this week as I have strained something in my hip, but it seems to be on the mend. What I'm really liking at the moment is all the movement. It seems to be increasing all the time now and it's really lovely to know that Smidget is in there, having a good wriggle. It also makes me giggle at inappropriate moments. You can now feel some kicks from the outside and the other night we even had a bit of an "aliens" moment when we could see a little bump popping out of my belly a couple of times, some kind of limb I presume, tho we couldn't tell what exactly!

Right I think that is quite enough blogging for today. We're off to Spain next week for our last pre-baby holiday. It'll be very tame by our standards I should think and I believe the hotel has wifi, so I may witter on a bit more from there next week. I'll also try to get some new bump pics taken as we haven't had time for that the last few weeks.


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