Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Maternity Leave

Day 7 in the Big Belly house - and no sign yet of an eviction....

It's now the Tuesday of my second week of maternity leave, and I'm starting to get to that bored state I mentioned in the last post. So far I have made moussaka, breakfast muffins and several gallons of soup. The freezer is now full and I'll have to find something other than cooking to keep me busy. Ok, to be fair the domestic goddess bit only lasted about two days and after that I moved on to being a lady who lunches, but still, I was a bit productive!

There still doesn't seem to be much sign that Smidget is ready to make a move. I've tried walking as far as I can until my back gets annoyed, in the hope that that might shake him/her down, but I don't think it's done anything. Last night I went out for a curry, and although there was a brief moment of thinking that may have done something, it turned out to be er, just the more predictable outcome of having a curry ('nuff said there I think).

More excitingly, the NCT class babies are coming along thick and fast now! So far five of the eight Mums have had their babies (including one set of twins) and another is hopefully on her way as I type, so that just leaves two of us to go! I think the arrival of the most recent newborn pic in my inbox this morning was the final straw for my patience, I really want to meet Smidget now!


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