Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Sit Up and Play

Another of the little milestones this year has been Evelyn learning to sit by herself. Well to be honest she's still a bit like a broken Weeble - she wobbles, and then she falls down, usually flat on her face but it doesn't seem to bother her too much.  Fortunately some very forward thinking friends gave us a large inflatable monkey when Evelyn was born. At the time she wasn't too keen on it but now it makes a great crash barrier.

Last week she also finally rolled over for the first time, a bit of a late starter on that one but we're learning that she is more of a thinker than a doer. So far she isn't very keen on baby swimming, much to my disappointment, but if anyone knows of a baby philosophy class in central London please send me the details. Or perhaps she'd prefer to be sitting next to the pool catching some rays and reading (or perhaps that should be chewing) a good book.


1 comment:

  1. Excellent!
    So - how long before we can get "my first trampoline"?
