Thursday 12 August 2010

The Birthday Girl

A lot of people get a bit over excited on their birthday and end up being sick.  In Evelyn's case it was a close encounter with an adolescent goat that caused her to loose her lunch.

Evelyn currently loves all animals, her favourite word is "quack quack ", which started off referring to ducks but now goes for anything feathered or furred that moves in an interesting way. With this in mind we took her to Surrey Docks city farm on her birthday and she had a marvelous time quack-quacking, limb-shaking and grinning at all kinds of farm yard beasts. Hopefully we have some video to put up here in due course.  If all that wasn't exciting enough a sudden downpour had forced us into the local Burger king for lunch, which turned out to have a giant Iggle Piggle!

We rounded off the day with a cup cake with a candle in it at tea time and so with her first sugar rush/sugar crash behind her our little one year old went to bed.

What on Earth is this?
hmmm, Cake...

I like cake!

All this was only one of the celebrations though. The first had been a joint party for all the babies in our NCT group. We rarely manage to get so many of us in one place so it was lovely to see the babies all together, it was also good to see most of the Dads again as I haven't seen a few of them since the babies were very small. The little ones had a great time pulling each others hair and grabbing each others toys. The parents also had a lovely time, owing to a slight flaw in our catering plan. This was "bring something to share" and resulted in a lot of cake, biscuits, cava and one token carton of orange juice (oopsy). I think for once it was the parents going home from a kids party feeling a wee bit sick! 

Proof that the NCT babies, and more to the point the Mummies, all made it through the first year!

The final round of celebrations was last Sunday when we had a party here at slummy terrace (I'm still working on what to call this place). A whole gaggle of friends and family turned up and after some initial clingyness Evelyn was happy to sit on a rug and hold court. Her subjects also brought with them a truly staggering pile of presents, the result of which has been to buy Mummy and Daddy several, wonderful little moments of baby playing happily by herself. Thank you everyone! Yes, even those of you who bought musical instruments!

No, I think I still need more toys, and perhaps an audience...
that's better
the morning after the afternoon before
Xylophone from Auntie Charlotte


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